Bite-sized insights for the informed seller.

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Welcome to Mpowered, a podcast made just for brand reps that delivers a weekly dose of actionable insights to help you succeed as a B2B rep.

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Podcast Preview

Episode 30: How does Material Bank help Reps connect with the next generation?

Episode 29: How is digital marketing changing the interiors industry?

Episode 28: Best practices: How do I ask for the business?

Episode 27: How are A&D firms advising their clients when the future is so uncertain?

Episode 26: Best practices: co-presenting with reps, how do I find my tribe?

Episode 25: What resources does Material Bank have for reps?

Episode 24: What do I need to know about how designers use social media?

Episode 23: What is the future of the in-firm library?

Episode 22: How is technology use in the design process shifting?

Episode 21: What’s hot on the minds of the Interior Design Giants of Design, and how should reps respond?

Episode 20: How does Material Bank help me support my client’s sustainability goals?

Episode 19: How is video changing B2B sales?

Episode 18: How are CEUs evolving?

Episode 17: How do I get face time today?

Episode 16: What is the future of showrooms?

Episode 15: How does Material Bank’s Inbox feature empower Sales Reps’ communication with designers?

Episode 14: Where do I begin as an A&D rep?

Episode 13: How is hybrid affecting designers work?

Episode 12: How is the role of a rep changing?

Episode 11: How can I explain global supply chain disruptions?

Episode 10: How do I follow up on a Material bank lead?

Episode 9: What do designers need most from your website?

Episode 8: Best practices: How do I leverage thought leadership as my lead in?

Episode 7: Where do designers live?

Episode 6: What are an interior designer’s primary job responsibilities, and how does product selection fit in?

Episode 5: How can MB make my life as rep easier?

Episode 4: When will designers be back in the office?

Episode 3: How can I thrive in today’s changing environment?

Episode 2: What do designers need most from a rep?

Episode 1: Why call on Architects and Designers?

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